Refusing to Waste- teach a Zero Waste Lifestyle!

Jacquelyn Ottman is a name you should know. A native New Yorker, she advises big companies such as Nike, Kraft, and Toyota on how to market “environmentally sound products to customers”. But she also holds local workshops for New Yorkers to glean...

Farmers Can Receive Grants to Move to Organic Farming

Two Midwestern states in the U.S. are offering farmers three years of support to move to organic crop production. Farmers would ditch GMOs along with their toxic pesticides and herbicides. The aim is to boost acreage of organically-grown crops in the U.S. once the...

Engineers Devise a Way to Harvest Wind Energy from Trees

Harvesting electrical power from vibrations or other mechanical stress is pretty easy. Turns out all it really takes is a bit of crystal or ceramic material and a couple of wires and, there you go, piezoelectricity. As stress is applied to the material, charge...